Friday, November 28, 2014

Hack The Self (But Not Like Self-Mutilation)

This post was created for the people who have anxieties about being themselves.

The first step in not giving a crap and being who you really are is to recognize these truths:
A. People either like you or they don't
B. But no one actually cares enough for their opinions to effect your life
C. You don't need everyone to like you
D. It's the people you care about whose opinions matter
E. But still not as much as your own
F. It's the crazies who change the world- the people who are unafraid to go out on a limb

1. To begin on this journey a few simple steps can be taken. My suggestion is to do something embarrassing that benefits you.
You can: Be good to your feet. It's cold outside so who cares if you wear socks and sandals. You will not be the one with frostbitten toes.

2. The following step is my favorite... In this phase, one learns the art of embracing awkwardness. Silence can be awkward... or elevators... or clowns... or sex....

3. Not everyone can be pleased. Living your life as a people pleaser slowly kills you. Don't do it.
There's some quote about fruit on Pintrest which explains what I mean...

Found it!

4. The next great way to be who you really are is to refuse boundaries. I don't mean say the "C" word for fun but you know... hug, kiss, or high-five a person if the spirit moves you.

5. The most important step in this specific life hack is to know your values. I mean you kind of have to know who you are and what you're about before you can really begin showing yourself off to the world.

6. Tell the truth-even when it's uncomfortable. To speak your truth is to manifest the conscious to the physical world. For example; You don't have to go to that party if you'd rather sleep.

The last step in this life hack is completely up to interpretation. 
7. Paint with all the colors of the wind. Whatever that means for you.


  1. I really like the ideas brought up in this post! Pushing boundaries and embracing awkwardness are always difficult things to do, but they are always well worth it! My favorite part of the life hack was this quote: "To speak your truth is to manifest the conscious to the physical world. For example; You don't have to go to that party if you'd rather sleep." I'd always rather sleep, so I will be taking that advice to heart!

  2. I would agree with Rachel bucking the boundaries can make many people uncomfortable, we never grow in the midst of comfort. I loved your first point about not caring what others think. That is a huge issue with many people nowadays. Too many people spend so much time caring how others perceive them. Also, I liked your point about the "people pleaser." Honestly those people ends up the most miserable. I agree with your point about discovering who you are. In order to live life like no other, one must unlash their full potential upon the world.
